Resourceful Articles
Featured Links is dedicated to helping business owners succeed. Get started for free and use the personalized services and platform to manage and scale your company.
- LLC Filing & Business Formation
With start your business today for as little as $0 + state fees. Incfile helps you quickly and easily create your LLC or other business entity.
- LLC Formation & Incorporation Services
MyCompanyWorks provides LLC formation, incorporation, entity management and many other small business services to entrepreneurs and their advisors in all 50 states.
Learn about DBA (Doing Business As) Name—sometimes called an assumed name, trade name, or fictitious name—is easy to create and file.
- Independent contractor liability insurance, also known as 1099 liability insurance, from The Hartford can help protect you and your contracting business. Learn about the general liability insurance independent contractors need.
- Learn about General Liability Insurance which covers common business risks like customer injury, customer property damage, and advertising injury. It protects your small business from the high costs of lawsuits and helps you qualify for leases and contracts.
- Markel Specialty is a leader in Specialty & Small Business insurance solutions for owners, powersports, events and much more. Our decades of experience make us the right solution for your insurance needs.
- Get a 1099-NEC or MISC? Virtual Online Simplified Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Experts for Freelancers, Independent Contractors and the Self-Employed.
- LYFE Accounting is a small business accounting services company. We specialize in providing all accounting needs and services for small businesses. This includes small business bookkeeping services, accounting and tax services, and CPA services.
“I am now able to show my clients that I’m certified as a self-employed contractor.”
Jerry Smithson, Legal Consultant
“I can show my certification to the IRS that I operate as an independently established business.
Hannah Vermont, Singer